Last post, we talked about the importance of sharing your gift. I had mentioned that I had come up with a way to help two wonderful charities. One is called W.I.S.H. (Women Initiate Self-healing and Hope) Which is a support group that provides emotional support for women as they work through the effects of abuse and encourages personal growth in all areas of life. The second group is Rescue Gang. They are an animal rescue group that focuses on the use of foster homes instead of keeping animals in kennels. I consider these two very worthwhile groups to support. I realize that I could not support them as much as I would like on my own, but I can do it with your help.

On July 27th, you can join me at the Peanut Butter and Jelly Deli in West Allis. I will have all three of my books for sale. I will be personally signing them for you. (They make great gifts as well) There will be free gifts for those of you who purchase multiple books. Here is the best part, I will be donating 100% of the profits to both of these charities. If you have all of my books and cannot think of another person’s life that you would love to positively transform, that is fine too. The wonderful establishment that is hosting this event, has committed to donating a portion of their sales for the evening as well.

I would love to see all of you stop down and support two groups that really deserve it. You can do so by purchasing one of my books that will allow you to go from the life you are living, to the life you love. You can purchase one of the many amazing products at the Peanut Butter and Jelly Deli. You can have a meal and a drink. It, as the owner Mike notes, is the only place in town that you can enjoy a PBJ and a PBR at the same time. They have many amazing products you can take with you to enjoy at home, or give as gifts to friends. There will be a link at the end of this post for the event on Facebook. There you will find more details and can ask any questions you may have. From the bottom of my heart, and on behalf of the two organizations, thank you so much for your support.


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