Here are two of my favorite mascots. They are for a local food store and a campground respectively. The grocery store is close to my house and the campground is not all that far from my work. I drive by them both fairly often. 

The other day while driving by the campground I  began to ponder why I enjoy them as much as I  do. As the work vehicle roared along down the road past the sign for the campground my hand went up in a wave. Why? Well the bear on the sign is smiling and waving. So is the pig on the grocery sign. A quick confession here is that often I find myself waving at both. Why does a fairly sane man find himself greeting animals on signs? Simply because I enjoy a bright smiling face that is encompanied by a wave. 

Here is what occurred to me,  if these signs can brighten my day and even cause me to wave more often than not, why can’t i do the same? Why can’t you? 

All too often we here how the world has become unfriendly and cold. We can do our part to start the thaw by doing just what the pig and bear are doing on these signs. All we need to do is smile and wave to each other. If the thought of this makes you too uncomfortable try it while you are in your car at a red light or some other time when there is a quick escape is available. 

Here is what I noticed and you may notice too. Not only do people have a shocked smile on their faces, but seeing that will give you a good feeling as well. There really is no downside. 

Try this for a week and feel free to share your experience in the comments below. 


Below you will find a link to a video of my beautiful lady making one her divine cakes.  Why am i sharing this? Several reasons.  First, she looks far better in front of the camera than i do. Second, you can see the talent she has and the great cakes she creates. Third, it makes it easier to appreciate the hard work that goes into creating something we may just take for granted and enjoy the flavor of. Which, by the way was nothing short of divine! 

Why is all of this on secret2anamazinglife? How does this cake making video help us to live our life better? Great questions.  Here is how. No matter what we do in life be it bartender, postal worker,  dj,author,  or even blog writer there is an artistry to what we do. When you see a nice smooth driveway that’s been poured, or a house that is newly painted in addition to realizing all the hard work that goes into it appreciate the art that also goes into it. Sure watching this cake video it is easy to see the fished product as a work of art and if you tasted it that would be even easier, but know whatever you do on a daily basis you are creating your own work of art.  

Whether i am writing these blogs or crafting a cocktail or even cutting my lawn if I understand I am creating my own work of art the results will be amazing.  If you want to inspire others follow this website or like our Facebook page.  Now click the link below and let your mouth water! If you think this cake looks delicious feel free to order one of your own from my lovely Margie!