This is my friend Kurtis Perkins. Not only is he an amazing friend and great DJ, but he is an amazing author as well. This is his book. It is filled with his life stories and lessons he has learned along the way.

Yesterday was his birthday, and I can think of no better gift than to order a copy of his book! I’ll place a link at the end of this post. As an author, I can tell you there is no greater gift than your work being appreciated. Order Kurt’s book today. It will be a great gift for him, and a great gift for you! You will learn lots of lessons you can apply to your own life.


Today, we are leaving the Bahamas and this beautiful view behind. We did our best to remain present and soak in all of the memories, along with an amount of salt water. We also took a lot of pictures to capture what we did. It helps jog the great memories we created.

On this trip we swam with pigs in the ocean, took a crazy adventure trip, drank out of a coconut, and visited several beaches. In this way we will take all of this with us. We made friends with many people, and hopefully left a little of us in their hearts as well. To me, after years of practicing, this is how you do a vacation.

Saying goodbye to the delicious food, amazing sunsets, and fun people does not mean we won’t take them with us in our hearts. This is not only a good way to keep one well of our life alive, but every day. Take lots of pictures, but also take it in. Get to know people just beyond their names. Immerse yourself in the moment. We are thankful for the staff at the Warwick Paradise Island resort, as well as all of the places we visited. All the friends we made and people we met. Our spirits are recharged, and we will be ready to give more to our corner of the world when we return.


If we stop and think about it, aren’t some of the best moments in our lives the little ones done with the people dearest to us? Often, we have no idea they will turn out this way. We had out just for coffee, or a day of shopping, and end up with memories that carry us through a lifetime.

Today, I encourage you to keep doing the little things. You may not even realize how much they mean to those you care about. I would love to hear about a little moment that had a big impact on you.


I’m writing to you from the Bahamas. Warwick Paradise Island to be exact. Margie and I have had a great time here so far. Hats off to Benjamin Davis and his crew. The food has been great, the staff friendly. We have had some amazing adventures as well. Getting here… that was a different story.

We were scheduled to fly American Airlines out of Milwaukee. We arrived at the airport at 3:30 am, thanks to my mother. We boarded our plane at 5:30am, excited to be in the tropics. After 2 hours of sitting still on a plane, they told everyone to get off as the plane was broken. They told us we were being automatically rebooked’. I checked their app to discover they had no more flights until the next day.

Lucky for us, I got a call saying they could put us on Jetblue Airlines and we could still make it to the Bahamas, only a few hours later. We ended up with a layover in New York. We were told we should go to gate 7 in New York. We did as we were told. We waited and waited..I ventured a walk to the schedule board. Our flight had been moved to gate 10 and was boarding in 5 minutes. We ran through JFK Airport, which is no small task. Got the last 2 seats available. When we arrived in the Bahamas, we discovered only 3 of the 4 wheels on my suitcase did. We arrived at our hotel at 8pm, a mere 6 hours after we were scheduled to.

You may think this sounds hellish, and perhaps in some ways it was. Here is the funny thing. We arrived at our resort happy and ready to get our vacation started. Why? We had made the best of our challenges. We got pizza and a cheese steak in New York, because you just have to. We focused on being grateful we made it to the Bahamas.

This is proof it is more important who you travel with rather than where you travel to. It is also important you focus on the positive and make the best of your situation. It not only makes your vacation better, but helps create better memories.

This is a great life lesson you can start practicing today. Although I’m going to do my best to convince Margie that I need more trips to the Bahamas to practice. In reality, there are always opportunities to practice, and strengthen, your ability to make the best of, and rise above, your challenges.


It can be hard to revisit places that have sad or scary memories for us. I recall feeling bad that I was trying to get out of going to an event with my grandfather the day he died. I didn’t want to go to that event ever again. There was feelings of both guilt and sadness. However, with the help of my beautiful lady, I did make it back there and we created some awesome new memories.

When we cancel things out of possibility due to sad memories, I think we are doing a disservice to both ourselves and the person who we miss. They would not want us to miss out on something due to missing them. In fact, although bittersweet, it can be a great way to keep there memory alive!

What about painful memories such as going somewhere you and that jerk of an ex used to go? Well, if we avoid certain places because we went there with someone we are no longer with, than we are giving them that power over that part of our lives. They don’t deserve that! No. As a matter of fact, creating new memories at that place proves that your life is moving forward and there is plenty of good to be had without them.

Braving these places can feel like reclaiming territory you thought was lost to you forever. It can be scary, but it can be liberating and powerful as well.


Ah, one of my favorite philosophers, Winnie-the-Pooh! It is a nice little poem one can repeat to themselves in their head, or out loud if you’re alone or really brave. Here at, we certainly believe in you. The fact you took the time to log on and read this blog, proves that you are invested in living an amazing life and becoming the best version of yourself. If you consistently work towards any goal, you will get there!

This poem should not only remind you that the people at believe in you, which we do, but also that you can give that feeling to someone as well! The power you give someone by letting them know you believe in them is priceless. You can be that person! How do you feel when someone says, “I believe in you.”? How many times do you say it to others?

Say this little poem from that lovable bear to remind yourself that you have a whole group of people at this website who believe in you. Also, let it remind you to let others know you believe in them too! The difference it will make will be unbelievable.


As I mentioned earlier, these posts are coming to you while I am on vacation in the tropics with the beautiful Margie. One of the great things about both vacation and the tropics is the fact that nobody seems to ‘sweat the small stuff’ as they say. In fact, there is a term called Island time which means things move at their own pace.

This slower pace can be frustrating to visitors at first. Considering that the leading cause of death in the developed world is heart disease, and the leading cause of that is stress, you think we would relish slowing down. Still, people seem to want everything yesterday.

After a few days on vacation, some of us adjust to island time. It not only involves slowing down, be prioritizing. You have to wait a little longer for your drink? Who cares? You’re relaxing on the beach. The restaurant you wanted to eat at is full? No worries. There is a great stand on the beach.

The small annoyances of life seem to fade away, which is where they belong. When we return to ‘normal life’ it would serve us well to keep this mentality. The restaurant we booked lost our reservation? Who cares? I’m still with the person I love having dinner. Someone cut us off in traffic? At least we are safer than they are.

This change in priority will reduce stress, increase joy and allow us to be the best version of ourselves. When we major in minor things, we are constantly filled with stress and worry.