

This is an important and much needed reminder. There are so many of us that work so hard to make the world a better place and bring joy to others. Those same people are often the hardest on themselves. Check your inner conversation. Is it motivating? Recently, I noticed that my inner conversation started to lean a little more to the negative than I would care for. I mentioned to Margie, “I need to work on being more positive.” She gave me a look that showed her shock with my statement. I should have been a little more specific. My outer conversation was still very positive. However, my inner conversation was not. Allow me to give you an example. Winter is always difficult for me. The cold, the lack of life, it all has me feeling down. I decided to add a way to help with this. I decided to appreciate the effort and beauty behind the decorations people put up for the holidays.

On the outside I did pretty good. Whether I was with others, or by myself. I would remark, “Wow! That one looks nice.” or “That must have taken a long time.” I did feel better. That was until my inner voice started talking. I am not sure who that person is, but he didn’t have many nice things to say. I heard the voice in my head say, “That one is sloppy.” and “Why did they even bother to put up decorations if they were not going to take their time?” Here I was trying to find beauty and the holiday spirit and my inner dialogue turned into a holiday decoration critic. Then, I started getting down on myself for being negative.

We must remember that we are human. We must be forgiving and compassionate with ourselves. Especially during this busy season. As a solution to combat my newly negative self-talk, I have begun to listen to positive affirmations on the way to work in the morning. It places positive thoughts in my head before my head can come up with negative ones. Remember to be kind to ourselves the rest of the week. In what ways are you kind to yourself?





The weekend is here! We have earned it. Just a word of caution, do not let the two days after Friday ruin all your effort from the five days before Friday. We might be able to relax a little more on the weekend, and we should, but stay committed to your goals!

What do you do to stay motivated and disciplined on the weekends? Please share in the comments below. I think we could all use a little extra help with motivation and dedication on the weekend!


This quote is so true. The circumstances we are born in are out of our control. What we do with them, that is entirely within our control. We all know, or have read about people seemingly born into the worst situations that rise up to become leaders and do great things. We have also heard tales of those born with everything that throw their lives all away.

How about you? What are you going to do with your life? Are you going to let those challenges hold you back, or are you going to use them as stepping stones to rise to greater heights? Are you going to complain about what is wrong or use it to prove what people can overcome? The choice is up to you.


My lovely lady is a big fan of Alice in Wonderland, so I thought I would use this quote. If memory serves, it was uttered to Alice by the Mad Hatter. The truth of this statement holds up in today’s world just as much as it does in the fairytale by Lewis Carroll.

We are all entirely bonkers in our own unique way. Me, you, the lady at the grocery store. It is those who are comfortable with their madness that truly make a difference in the world. Far too many of us hide our truth because we are afraid of the opinions of others. Do not let that stop you.

So many people think I am bonkers for trying to bring a little bit of light to a world that often seems consumed in darkness. They think my optimistic outlook is delusional. They may be right. However, I would much rather live in a world of joyous illusion than one of somber realism.

I encourage all of you to embrace that part of you that makes you unique. The part some may find entirely bonkers. I cannot say it enough, what the world needs more of is people brave enough to live in their truth. So be a little bonkers, all the great ones are.


I think this is one of the great secrets to happiness. Today, let us all look for what we can love in our life. A good portion of people constantly lament many things about their lives. They have to go to work every day. They have aches and pains in their bodies. Their car is acting up again.

If we took a step back and changed our perspective, life may feel a lot different. What if we lost that job? We were unable to find work? Suddenly, that job we dread going to would be a dream come true. Those aches and pains are the wishes of someone who has become paralyzed. What if we did not have a car and had to take transportation everywhere?

I see this a lot with some couples. They constantly complain about each other. I think of all the people I know who have lost their spouse and would give anything to be able to have them back, even for a day.

Gratitude and appreciation can allow us to love the life we live. Next time you are tempted to complain about something or someone, ask yourself what you have to be grateful for. It might take imagining what life would be without that person or thing. We have so much in our life to love  if only we chose to look at our life that way.


Forgiveness is a gift you truly give yourself. Most of the time, the person you are upset with could care less if you forgive them. Harboring anger only steals your peace. Knowing this, why do people put off forgiving others? I believe there are two reasons. Let us take a look at these one at a time.

First reason people don’t forgive others is that somehow they equate that with the other person ‘winning’. The opposite is actually true. If you let the person continue to keep you in a state of hurt and anger, then that would be closer to ‘winning’. In actuality, the only winning is living a peaceful and rewarding life. That can only be accomplished through forgiveness. If someone is still renting space in your head or your heart, evict them!

The second reason people withhold forgiveness, is they assume forgiveness means they would have to reconnect with that person. This is certainly not true. There are people who sadly can be in our hearts, but not our life. If there is someone who has done you so wrong you want them neither in your heart or your life, than you must forgive them. By holding on to anger, or some feeling of hurt, you are maintaining a connection.

Forgive them today and set yourself free.


Saw these 2 items next to each other on the store shelves the other day. Thought it a rather dangerous proposition. If you weren’t careful, this certainly could make a bad situation even worse. Then, I was reminded of a very interesting fact that caused me to look at this in an entirely different light. It also gave me the idea for today’s post.

I posted this on social media and one of my friends commented Life is all about balance.This is so true. Sometimes life doesn’t seem to be moving at all, and sometimes it is going by too quickly. It never seems to be right in the middle. If so, at least not for long.

This is actually a good thing. It means there is always an opportunity to work on improving our lives just that little bit more. Life is a great adventure. Just light the tightrope walkers at the circus, we need to make little adjustments to stay upright and keep moving forward. Even if you happen to fall down into the net, you climb back up to the tightrope with a little more experience, and hopefully a little more balance.


Truly, one of the greatest feelings is knowing someone is happy because of you. I certainly do my best to keep the beautiful love of my life happy. Margie deserves all the wonderful things I can come up with just for putting up with this crazy author.

Yet, everywhere I go I do my best to make people happy. My day job, the coffee shop, my mechanic. When I succeed, it always gives my heart a jolt of joy. The more people I give joy to, the more joy fills my heart as well.

How about you? Who have you made happy today? Who could you make happy? Feel free to share your story in the comments below.