I live in a nice city called West Allis. I work in a different city about a 40 minute drive away. This can make for some exciting days especially in winter. In many ways I have learned to relish the drive as it gives me time to think, or listen to audio books. I love learning and am grateful for the time the drive affords me to do so.

Recently, I have been listening to the book The Power which is the sequel to the popular book The Secret. Both are books on the law of attraction. I recommend both of them. Not to ruin any plots for you, but The Power is about the power of love. Not just of the romantic variety, but how to apply and reap the benefits of the power of love in your own life.

One of the fun things the book advocates doing is finding what you love about certain situations. In doing so you remain more present and aware of your surroundings. One of the ways they mention in the book is asking yourself the question “What do I love?” Asking questions is a great way to take control of your thoughts. Giving your brain a question to find an answer to can give it direction and keep it from going somewhere you might not want it to go.

I was interested in giving my brain the positive task of finding things to love and bring me joy. The 40 minute drive to my day job at the Post Office seemed like the perfect time to give this idea a try. Certainly, the prospect of showing up at work in a great mood was appealing. Let me voice a disclaimer here. Although the idea did appeal to me, I had never really made a conscious effort to do this and kept an open mind. I figured it may be rough going at first and I may find it difficult to find things to love. I could not have been more incorrect! One thing after another seemed to leap to my attention and I could not notice them fast enough! Despite the unexpected nature of this, it was not the most surprising development on that trip.

Every day I take pretty much the same route to work. I reached my decision on 60th street, which at the moment closely resembles a demilitarized zone. Here is what I found so surprising. Even though I take that street at the very least 5 days a week, I was amazed at how much I miss! I decided to try again on the way home. The same result followed. Even just being on the opposite side of the street a whole world I had been missing unfolded before me.

When I got home I began to ask Margie, “Have you seen that building on 60th with the multi-colored bricks?” and a million other things. After taking a few moments to make sure I had not stopped off for some rum after a hard day at the Post Office, Margie had to confess that she too had missed most of these things as well. I then began to tell her about what I have been doing and how the idea came from the book I was listening to. It is here I must tip my hat to Margie. While she also loves to learn, she is very patient and does not complain about the seemingly endless stream of audio books I have playing in the car as we travel here and there. She has even given me the gift of one of my favorite audio books A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson, one of my favorite authors.

Here is my suggestion for you. As you travel along today, ask yourself, “What can I find that I love on this journey?” You will be surprised at how much we miss. I have found new restaurants I would like to try, stores I would like to shop at and even a nature trail I would like to hike on. I would love to hear your results in the comments below.

2 thoughts on “WHAT YOU ARE MISSING

  1. Excellent Neil! I read “A Walk in the Woods” and loved it! I have to get that book from the shelf and read it again. It’s been years and I remember thinking I didn’t want it to end. I’ve always loved nature and everything in it. The plants, trees, flowers, little chipmunks and squirrels that leap and run and jump to a tree. The love of flowers has finally rubbed off on my daughter, but she said the last time we were walking, that it takes too long because I have to stop and look at the tiniest plant or a single pine cone that is perfectly shaped. I love looking for little seedling trees and feel a bit sad that I won’t see it rise to the tall and full shape of it’s type.

    When my husband and I are going places, I like taking different routes to check out the landscaping, flowers and plants. When I see a house on a plot with no plantings at all, I wonder what kind of people can live there without a single plant or bush or tree.

    It is fascinating to look at the different architectures of homes. I’ve always disliked sub-divisions and the general sameness of many of the homes, with an exception here and there. When I lived just west of downtown in the Coldspring Park neighborhood, the homes were vintage and some even majestic. One year I participated in the Tour of Homes and in just four hours, there were 1200 people that walked through my rented lower. People pay to not only look at the interior layout, but how it was decorated. I was in a 100 year old Victorian, that was for the most part, original. I decorated the house with Victorian curtains and lined the plate wall with different plates purchased from thrift stores. The claw tub was huge and a dream to soak in. I sure loved that house! The association makes most of their budget from those tours.

    Keep your eyes on the road Neil, or let Margie drive and you can gaze!

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    1. The funny thing here is the only thing Margie drives is me crazy. Her words, not mine. I seem to actually be more aware of what is going on around me when doing this. I imagine those tours you mentioned where quite a good time!

      Liked by 1 person

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