I’d like to share a fun memory with you.  Do you have one amazing friend that you feel you have known forever.  In fact, what you stop to reflect on your history together it seems hard to imagine you at one point in time didn’t have each other in your lives?  Well this is such a story, and it comes with a very valuable lesson as well.  I had met a this person through a long time friend of mine.  As far as first impressions go it was an interesting one.  In an attempt to cheer up our friend who was having relationship problems she went on to tell stories of why she didn’t care for men and how insensitive they can be.  Being the only man at the table I learned it was probably wise just to not say anything at this point then say the wrong thing.  As it turns out throughout our friendship I have made up for that plenty of times by saying the wrong thing, quite often at the wrong time.  I dare not repeat the parting words of this conversation, but it did end with a toast.

Fast forward a few weeks and the same friend asks if I would like to me her and a few lady friends out for martinis.  Well never being one to turn down such an offer I was excited to go.  Well, this poor friend was still having relationship issues shall we say.  As I got there I noticed the same girl who had voiced her displeasure with my gender was in attendance.  She seemed extra joyful this evening.  I was later to learn this is her normal state of being and the ‘man hating’ if you will was just an attempt to make our friend feel better about the certain situation.  I soon learned part of the reason for the joyous atmosphere was they were celebrating my friend Angela getting a new job.  Now maybe it is because I don’t have friends who either switch jobs or are too worried about being employed, but I had not been to such a celebration for a while.  Not that I need a reason to enjoy a good martini, but I began to think of reasons I could be celebrating. First I started with the obvious, I was with 3 beautiful women drinking martinis. Then I thought about the fact that I am employed, I was meeting new friends…the list went on.  Now I know this sounds close to finding reasons to be grateful and it is, but there is a very distinct difference. I am grateful daily for my beautiful friend Angela who was the one celebrating that evening. I am grateful for all the adventures we have had. Every time we get together (although those times are rare now that she moved out of state) we always seem to be celebrating something.  That is truly how life should be, one continuous celebration. So next time you find yourself with a cocktail in your hand, or a cup of coffee, tea or whatever else you may be enjoying, even if you are by yourself, raise your glass and propose a toast.  Even if all you can manage is “here’s to me because I am amazing” celebrate my friends because every day of this life we enjoy is a gift.  I want to thank Angela for showing me that and for providing me one of the greatest gifts to celebrate our friendship


Sometimes we may wonder if all our efforts are worth it.  After all, what difference can one person make?  How important is one voice?  Here is a little something I read off of one of my friends facebook pages.  Which is yet another advantage of having groups of friends all trying to lead more inspired, passionate lives.


one tree can start a forest;

one smile can begin a friendship;

one hand can lift a soul;

one word can frame the goal;

one candle can wipe out the darkness;

one laugh can conquer gloom;

one hope can raise your spirits;

one touch can show you care;

one life can make a difference,



As you can see each of these statements by themselves ring true.  Taken as a whole it proves one can be a very powerful number indeed.  Print this poem out, if you ever find yourself doubting your self-worth read it to yourself or better yet out loud.  Remember how important one person can be, and then be that one person!