Ah the devil… Satan… whatever you care to call him. Some refer to this as negative side of the universe. Some just call it negativity. The name we attach to this power of evil is not important to what we are going to discuss today. What we are going to discuss is the lies we have all been fed. These come from all kinds of places, the media, coworkers, history, even well-meaning friends and family. Sometimes the voice seems to come from inside our own head.

The messages may seemed varied, but they all serve the same purpose, to lower our vibration. Whether it is politicians doing their best to convince you that a certain group of people are bad because of their skin color, religion, political belief or maybe even just based on where they live. Maybe the message is coming from the media telling you the world is going downhill fast. There is more violence than ever, there is more hate than ever. Convincing you that you have to live and walk in fear. Even our friends and family telling us not to get our hopes up about that dream we are saying or not to venture away from that seemingly safe career we have because we will fail if we try to do it on our own. They mean well, they are wanting us to be safe.

It is my belief these messages all come from the same source and are intended for the same purpose; to create a world full of fear and devoid of love. When we are divided against ourselves, when we are so busy finding reasons to hate each other it is difficult if not impossible to work together to solve the real problems that exist. Two people’s ideas put together may do a great deal to end world hunger or bring a cure to a certain disease, but if they are refusing to talk because they look different or worship or vote in a different way the world will remain darker.

I propose working together and finding the reasons to come together in a spirit of love and community to solve issues. This does not mean ignoring the problems that plague us all, but working together looking towards creating a solution instead of assigning blame. Is there more violence today or is the world better connected and we can hear about each and every incident? Are guns the problem or is it the promotion of lack of respect and sanctity of life promoted in movies, television, music and video games? I don’t pretend to know those answers. What I do know is this, by focusing on how terrible things are without an accent on finding solutions and healing the hearts and minds of people everywhere, we are letting the powers of darkness win.

So next time you hear the ‘devil’ whisper in your ear about how bad the world is, how truly bad people have become and how hopeless both you and your life are, next time you hear him whisper that you cannot withstand the storm. You need to face that demon, whether it is the media, a negative coworker or even a voice in your own head and reply with conviction that you indeed are the storm! You are a storm of love and compassion that will not be defeated. Even though you are hearing how scary and bad the world is, you will do your part to bring love and brighten a stranger’s day. When you hear about anger leading to violence and death, you can use it as a reminder to respond to hurt with empathy and compassion.

No matter what you hear about the world and people around you, the fact is that the power to change that world lies in each and every one of us. Your act of kindness and of love, no matter how small will have a ripple effect that will affect far more than you will ever know. What you may not think about is so will your anger and negative actions, even your apathy. Do not let the devil lie to you. It is you who are the storm, you who have the very power to change the world and we do so through love and compassion.


  1. Satan is real and he has control, if you let him in! The seemingly free flow of drugs and the ramifications the addictions have on society is a huge crisis that Satan’s grip captured! So often we hear a family say, “he or she was a good kid from a good home!” While that may be true, something inside that “he or she,” made them throw their goodness away and succumb to the whisper from Satan.

    Satan’s whispers can affect each and every one of us, depending on our weaknesses. We all have some weakness. I can’t speak for anyone else, but my weakness is that I can reacted before I thought something through. My passion for dogs can get me every time! I don’t think of anyone’s feelings but my own. It takes work to block that whisper from Satan, but I am working at it all the time! Other weaknesses some may have are stealing, gossiping, flirting if you are married, pornography, lying, cheating, and on and on.

    We all have Satan whispering in our ear, but we can resist! Tell Satan to get out of your house! Do it enough and your ears will thank you!!!

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    1. It is interesting how even our best intentions can end up bringing out things in us we would rather not show. I, for one, admire your love for and commitment to animals. I also admire your commitment to keeping the devil at bay 😉

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  2. To those of us that are of the Christian faith, we can blame Eve and Adam for sin! Eve ate of the forbidden fruit and then gave it to Adam to try. Had Adam asserted himself and forbid Eve as God had commanded, we would be living in Paradise!


    1. Linda, Adam was by her side, and I agree he should have stopped her. However, anyone of us probably would have eaten the fruit day one. Also God knew this would happen that men would be disobedient, so God didn’t tell them about the tree of life. If God did, Adam & Eve would have eaten the tree of knowledge, and then the tree of life, and we all would be living in hell forever. Praise God for HIS infinite wisdom, and casted Adam and Eve out of Paradise, but for you and all who Believe in Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit will not die, but go to Paradise to eat from the tree of life. So even tho we may think it was Adam and Eve’s fault, God knew one of us would have been more disobedient than Adam and Eve, and that is why we are living in the present times

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  3. Linda, Adam was by her side, and I agree he should have stopped her. However, anyone of us probably would have eaten the fruit day one. Also God knew this would happen that men would be disobedient, so God didn’t tell them about the tree of life. If God did, Adam & Eve would have eaten the tree of knowledge, and then the tree of life, and we all would be living in hell forever. Praise God for HIS infinite wisdom, and casted Adam and Eve out of Paradise, but for you and all who Believe in Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit will not die, but go to Paradise to eat from the tree of life. So even tho we may think it was Adam and Eve’s fault, God knew one of us would have been more disobedient than Adam and Eve, and that is why we are living in the present times

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  4. Thank you Julie! My husband studies the Bible many more hours than I do, and I’m embarrassed that now it shows! Thank you for explaining the Word correctly to me. I hadn’t thought of asking my husband to check what I wrote, but when it comes to the Bible, I’ll definitely do so in the future! I’ll stop blaming Adam and Eve as well! Easter Blessings to you! Blessings to you Neil as well!

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